This is just a few reasons, it is by any means meant to be all inclusive.
- You will have a central location to get out all of your pertinent information at once, no need for 100 different event brochures and fliers.
- The ability to take donations online via credit cards or check increases ease in which potential donors give to your organization.
- A good web presence works for you 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.
- Worldwide donation markets become reachable in an instant. Usually within weeks web sites are indexed by major search engines making them viewable to the world.
- Credibility. Professionally done material, be it print work or web design lends itself to increasing trust with your donors, especially if you do not have a large established organization that everyone has heard of.
- Quite simply, the cost. While some web pages have an initial investment that is larger than other traditional forms of print advertising, the larger cost is only paid one time, then it is decisively lower to maintain than say the yellow pages, newspaper ads, brochures etc..
- Blogging and forums allow for donors and supporters to be more engaged in the activities of the charity. It allows them to be a part of what they are supporting and see all the progress that is made